
Rugrats AGU: TSM

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Rugrats AGU: The Truly Special Meeting

(It seemed to be a normal Wednesday at school in which Angelica was with the other girls at the “Popular Table”.)

Savannah: These lunch-hours at school may be nice but they are never truly enough to sustain the time we may spend together. So I suggest that we hold a meeting this Saturday. Where you might ask? Simple at the Java Hut, does that sound okay to you?

(They nodded in agreement of Savannah’s plans.)

Savannah: Good then its settled then, our meeting will take place at the Java Lava this Saturday at 1 PM.

(A few moments later during at the table in which Tommy and his friends were at…)

Tommy: So any of you guys got any plans for the weekend?

Chuckie: Nope…

The Deville Twins: Us neither…

Kimi: Not much, I’d probably read a bit more of the books I got from the Japanese club I’m in. But other than that I don’t have all that much planned either…

Angelica: Hey you guys…

Tommy: Oh hi Angelica…

Angelica: Well I’d might as well give you all a heads up that me & the other “Popular” girls will be at the Java Lava this Saturday at 1 for a group meeting.

Tommy: So let me guess this is a mild warning for us to stay out?

Angelica: Naw not really, I don’t really care if you guys come or not after all its not exactly a secret.meeting. Its kinda like my Mom’s business luncheons that she has been in for years though obviously aside from being in anything that’ll get me any money of course. And besides that heads up was more aimed at Chuckie & Kimi what with them working there and all

Savannah: Angelica? What are you doing here?

Angelica: Not much I’m just informing some of the staff there about our upcoming plans.

Savannah: Who cares if they know? Its not like it’d really matter if they knew about my decisions, besides its not like their really at our level here…

Chuckie: Oh I dunno about that Savannah, or should I say Samantha?


Chuckie: Your right, it’d be an insult to a good memory…

Savannah: Grrr… Lets go Angelica, lets leave these low-lifes be…

Angelica: *sigh* Alright…

(They leave that particular table area…)

Tommy: Geez Chuckie what was that about?

Chuckie: Oh you know Tommy, ever since Samantha became “Savannah”. She has been nothing but trouble I mean, any of you guys find it the least bit suspicious that she picked the Java Lava as their “meeting spot”?

Lil: Not really, it is a rather popular place…

Chuckie: True but don’t forget the fact that Savannah is behind this meeting and we all know about how “Trustworthy” she is…

Tommy: You do have a point there, we should be careful if in case this is another one of her tricks.

Kimi: True but hopefully that won’t happen I mean she is at least not as mean as she was before.

Tommy: True but still we should be a bit more cautious…

Susie: Hey guys what's up?

Tommy: Oh hi Susie, we were just told that Savannah planned a meeting at “Java Lava” and that's making us a little concerned…

Susie: I can understand that…

Kimi: Yeah but we’re kinda hoping that nothing will go bad this time.

Susie: Well that might actually be true…

Tommy: How so?

Susie: If this were some scheme, why place it out in the middle of the open? Chances are we would’ve found out what they are at the time and would be able to stop her. I mean trying to pull off some scheme at that time in which we all will probably be able to be there would practically be like trying to rob a bank barehanded in broad delight with a bunch of cops around.

Tommy: Hmmm… your right Susie, we probably don’t have anything to worry about…

Chuckie: Hmmm… I guess your right….


(It was lunch-time again however over at the table in which Tommy & his friends usually sit, the group was short one redhead.)

Tommy: Uh Kimi where’s Chuckie?

Kimi: To be honest I dunno…

Phil: I saw him walking around the other tables while I was heading over with my lunch.

Tommy: That’s weird he’s normally never like this…

Lil: Yeah…

Kimi: I wonder what it could be…

(Later on after school it was later on in the afternoon at the Java Hut. Kimmi & Chuckie were working there as usual however in a few moments something a bit unusual will happen.)

Chuckie: Ah its 5’O Clock time for me to go…

Kimi: Go? Go where?

Chuckie: Not much just a little errand I’m suppose to do, its no big deal really I’ll be back within the hour…

Kimi: Well ok…

(He leaves out the door.)

Kimi: Say Dad? Just what is this errand you sent Chuckie out for?

Chaz: I didn’t send him to any errand…

Kimi: Really? Then where is he going then?

Chaz: Your mother probably did besides I don’t think its anything to be worried about…

Kimi: Perhaps…

(Meanwhile during about the same time at Friday, things become a bit more unusual again. As this time Angelica arrives at the counter to give her order.)

Chuckie: Uhh… HI ANGELICA!

Angelica (a bit confused): Uhhhh… Hi…

Chuckie: Sooo… uh what’ll it be?

Angelica: A Chocolate Mocha with Vanilla cream…

Chuckie: Right away ma’am!

Angelica: Yeah…

(He gets started on the drink in the back while…)

Angelica: Okay Kimi what's with Finster back there?

Kimi: You got me Angelica he’s been acting weird ever since yesterday, I haven’t had a clue yet on what's going on here…

Betty: Yeah and now I’m starting to agree that he is acting a bit strange as well…

Angelica: Well it is Friday and its generally one of this place’s more busiest days, its probably just a bit of job stress especially considering on how Tomorrow is probably going to be. Besides this is Chuckie we’re talking about here, he’s never been the most calm, cool & collected guy we’ve ever met.

Betty: True, true you do have a point there…

Kimi: I suppose…

(Chuckie comes back with Angelica’s drink in hand.)

Chuckie: Here you go Angelica!

Angelica: Ehhh gee thanks though here’s a tip for you, Caffeine is not your friend…

Chuckie: Oh heh heh, good one…

Angelica: Yeah…

(She walks over to one of the tables sitting there with Harold nearby while moments later Kimi walked over to the table with Tommy, Dyl, Susie & the Deville twins.)

Kimi: Oh guys now I’m getting worried here, first he ends up going to some “secret” errand that neither of our parents knows about. Now he is acting like a nervous wreck here without any good reason!

Tommy: Yeah I was beginning to notice how odd he has become lately as well…

Dyl: I don’t know he doesn’t seem all that weird to me…

Phil: That's because your comparing him to yourself, we’re used to you being weird but no so much to him.

Lil: Yeah he may not be completely normal but this is kind of unlike him…

Kimi: Indeed, this is why I’m finding him to be rather suspicious…

Susie: Now Kimi, I understand what your saying but don’t jump into any conclusions just yet…

Kimi: How come?

Susie: Its simple really you should learn more about the situation until you plan to resolve any of the potential problems at hand. After all don’t forget how he was when you & Z first met.

Kimi: You do have a point there… Well okay I guess I’ll be a bit calmer for now…

Susie: That would be a good idea…

Kimi: Yeah…

(And then finally it was Saturday it was a little after 1 PM as the little meeting of the school’s “Popular” girls was already in progress. Tommy & the others were there but fortunately so far nothing bad is going on yet.)

Savannah: Wow this place is more impressive than I thought it would be, we should all consider meeting here more often.

Angelica: You mean you haven’t been here Savannah?

Savannah: Oh I have, just only occasionally to pick up some drinks…

Angelica: Oh ok then…

(They converse with one another for what seems to be about a bit over a half & hour now.)

Tommy: Well by now I think this is going to go alright…

Lil: Yeah I figured this would turn OK…

Susie: Like I said before you guys, it’d be stupid for Savannah to try anything, so lets go and leave them be…

Tommy: Right…

(Little did they know that Savannah has been eavesdropping them during that moment and with a nasty little grin she says…)

Savannah: But we now have something special to discuss about today… (she points her finger to Angelica) YOUR trial!

Angelica: My what? Is this some sort of a joke?

(And of course now Tommy and the others are getting back into their seats.)

Savannah: Of course not, I’ve been noticing lately that you’ve done some things that make your status here rather… “Questionable” lately…

Angelica: Like what?

Savannah: For starters there’s your constant fraternization with various “un-cool” people like those fools back there. You dared had one of them TRICK me into some book-signing and even when I was gracious even to come to your party anyways you got your geeky little friends in the “Cool” table instead of ME! You went to the Hospital for some “Charity” work like some little goody goody. You still have some stupid ugly little doll that you had ever since you were a little kid! And you even tried to make that certain Geek Finster “Cool”, Cool? HIM?! HA! Frankly you’d have better luck on your parents!

(Meanwhile nearby…)

Phil: How did she know about Cynthia?

Susie: They talk a lot with eachover, she probably just implied it in some way.

Lil: An uh Susie, I thought she couldn’t make a trick like this work…

Susie: Oh my point still stands Lil, it still stands… HEY SAVANNAH! Tell me whats the point of this? Did it ever occur to you that we could oh I dunno STOP YOU from doing this?

Savannah: So far I have spoken nothing but the truth, and I knew you all would come and I wanted it to happen that way. My power has been questioned with for too long, and I’m just making an example out of this treacherous little snake… My Power is NEVER meant to be messed with…

Betty: HEY! This is a respected coffee shop not some cheap court house! If your going to keep doing that I’ll have to ask you to leave! *under her breath while gritting her teeth* Putting it very mildly of course…

Savannah: Oh I wouldn’t do that if I were you, I’m one of the most respected members of their school’s community, displease me in anyway. And lets just say I can make a serious damper on your profits, so if I were you I’d turn back now and MAYBE I’ll consider pretending not to hear that little rude outburst. After all never mess with the power of customer dissatisfaction…

(Betty walks back into the kitchen with quite the twitch in her eye.)

Chaz: Betty? Are you okay?

Betty (Bitter-toned while gritting her teeth): Oh I’m JUST fine Chaz, lets just say I’m suddenly becoming more sympathetic with the cause of having Teens trialed as Adults! That’s all…

Chaz: Ummm… Ok… (He just simply steps away)

(Now meanwhile out of the kitchen. Tommy & Friends are now glaring at Savannah.)

Savannah: Oh gee why do you look at me like that? Tell me do you already want to go down like Angelica here? Granted your all a bunch of pond scum when it comes to the “School Social Status” here, but give me a bit of time and I can think of something…

Angelica (hanging her head low while crying): Please… let me be the one to face judgment... not them…

Savannah: Angelica, shut up, just shut up you moron. I am going to decide on whom shall justice shall be served upon today not you. And this is one of the main reasons WHY you stand trail here today. I’ve given you the gift of superiority and yet how do you repay me? By being “nice” to your petty little “friends” here? Being “Popular” is a gift that is not served to just about anyone. Yet you betray and degrade that absolute honor by being with THEM?! I’ve waited until the time was right to avenge the status that is “Popular” from arrogant upstarts like yourself. So your time with us was pretty much “borrowed” time persay. But then again ever since that whole “Medallion” incident a while back its natural for THIS to happen. And now have any last words before I announce your sentence?

(Angelica is now just holding her head low and even though she is crying she is silent…)

Savannah: No? Heh heh… Good well then I sentence you…

(Then suddenly she felt a cold scoop of Ice Cream lobbed right at the back of her head. She wiped off the bright red cherry Ice cream…)

Savannah (while standing up): Grrrrr… WHO DID THAT?! WHICH ONE OF YOU PEONS DID THAT?!

Chuckie: Down here!

(She looks down a bit and has found Chuckie there.)

Savannah: YOU?!

Chuckie: Yes me, and tell me since when has compassion and good friendship ever truly been quite the crimes? I mean gee gotta love your sense of justice here huh?

Savannah: Like your in any position to question my authority!

Chuckie: Oh I could be Samantha, I could be…

Savannah: IT’S SAVANNAH!

Chuckie: True calling you Samantha would be an insult to those good memories of when we use to date. Granted we didn’t stop until soon after you became “Savannah” and that’s when I dumped you! I dumped you when I realized how much of a “person” you became lately…

Savannah: You?! Dumped me?! HA! Prove it!

Chuckie: Gladly! (He takes out a few pictures from his pocket.) Last Thursday I was quite lucky to find someone that took pictures of the Park and that is where we happened to have our last date there. And in this one it shows us sitting nearby the bench rather friendly like in the far left corner however on the right corner of this pic you can clearly be able to see yourself walking away awfully mad. Gee I wonder why?

Kimi (thinking): So THAT’S why he has been acting so weird lately…

Savannah: Grrrr…

Chuckie: But wait this gets better, I might as well now make this confession, you see (gets a slight blush in his face) Angelica and I… have… been with each over lately… in secret that is…

(Everyone else bulged their eyes in shock over this sudden bit of news.)

Angelica: Chuckie… why are you saying this now?

Chuckie: It’s alright dear, I know you wanted it to be become a secret and I respected that. But now is the time to come clear and tell everyone that…

Savannah: Heh heh heh hehahahahaha HAHAHAHAHA! CHUCKIE YOU IDIOT! First of all yes you did dump me and frankly it was your lost imbecile and now this?! HAHA! This makes things even EASIER…

Chuckie: Your right it does make things easier, for me and her that is…

Savannah: What?

Chuckie: Tell me anyone find it odd that a “Geek” would actually break up with a “Popular Girl” like yourself?


Chuckie: But how can you be “Popular” if you were rejected by a “Geek”? And since I stopped you from making your “official sentence” she is still among of the “Popular”. And tell me whom belongs with that status more? A so-called “Popular” girl whom got dumped by a “Geek” or the girl whom is now with that aforementioned geek?


Chuckie: Simple! This! (He grabs Angelica and then he gives her a long passionate French kiss while one hand was at her back while the other was at her rear.)

Chuckie: As you can see here I AM the man in her life right now! And since you have now broken more rules in your “special school status system” you LOSE! Justice has now been truly served and oh yeah have a nice day!

Savannah: Grrrr… You…

(She was about to attack but then Chuckie quickly punched her in the gut knocking her down a bit.)

Savannah: You’ll pay for this… You’ll ALL pay for this! (She runs out of the Java Lava) YOU’LL ALL PAY!

Chuckie: Yeah and we’ll be ready if you do!

(The other “Popular” girls were staring in absolute shock.)

Chuckie: And as for you two, spread the word on how whom has just fallen today and the new power that shall arise.

(They nod and ran off, while Angelica is moving forward a bit to Chuckie.)

Angelica: Chuckie… You saved me, you… really saved me back there… (She now hugs him) Thank you…

Chuckie: Your welcome…

Angelica: I’m sorry if it weren’t for all the trouble I’ve done in the past this would not have happened…

Chuckie: Don’t beat yourself over the actions of others, she behaves far worse than you ever really did. So she deserved her fate, not you…

Tommy: Wow Chuckie, I never would’ve guessed you’d pull this off, so now what does this mean for you two?

Chuckie: Well now Angelica will be the leader of the “Popular” kids now…

Angelica: Not just me, Chuckie you’ll be a leader alongside with me. You’ll sort of say be the King to my Queen…

Chuckie: Uhhh… yeah…

Tommy: What about the rest of us?

Angelica: My friends, you will all officially be among the “Popular” crowd. Hold your heads up high cause for now you will all be of the elite…

Tommy: Thanks Angelica, though one thing that makes me wonder is Chuckie whats with this thing about a “secret thing” between you two?

Chuckie: Oh… well… I’ll talk about that… later…

Tommy: Oh I understand c’mon guys lets leave them be…

(And they did, now Chuckie is by himself with Angelica. However suddenly Harold comes in.)

Harold: ANGELICA! I’ve heard the news! I heard that Savannah is done while you’re the lead Popular girl now. This is great! How did that happened?!

Angelica: Well you see I had quite the bit of help… (she smiles while gently holding Chuckie’s hand)


Chuckie: Upstart?! Look pal I’ve been with her well before we ever knew you exist! If anything YOU’RE THE upstart!

(Angelica grabs Harold by the back of his head.)

Angelica: LISTEN Harold! He has managed to save me from public humiliation which is FAR more than you’ve ever did!

Harold: Your right, your right… I’m sorry…

Chuckie: It’s alright, as long as you learned your lesson here…

Harold: Alright, I’ll go but heed my words Chuckie, you’re a lucky man… (He leaves)

Chuckie: And uh Angelica about that “thing”… (is now really red-faced and more nervous) I know we never actually… “did anything” and we most likely never would’ve… Forgive me if you truly mind this…

(she grabs one of his hands)

Angelica: I do not, after all you single-handedly out-smarted the only person whom could’ve made my life a living nightmare. What woman wouldn’t find that an attractive quality in a man?

Chuckie: Wh…what a minute Angelica are you… saying?

Angelica: I’ll… think about it (she walks away to the girl’s bathroom) See you later Chuckie. (She winks at him, Chuckie was a bit stunned with quite the red face. He then goes to the boy’s bathroom himself for a little bit then when he gets out and heads into the Kitchen.)

Kimi: That was one of the nicest things you’ve ever did Chuckie…

Chuckie: Ahhh… it was nothing…

Kimi: Don’t tell me that…

Angelica: Yeah Chuckie…

Chuckie: HUH?!

Angelica: I talked Kimi and your folks and they agreed to let me work here for a while.

Chuckie: Uhhh… okay

(Later on that day when Chuckie, Kimi & now Angelica’s work hours are up for the day. Both Chuckie and Angelica are now alone in the Kitchen.)

Chuckie: Well its about time for us to go…

Angelica: Chuckie, I might as well say this to you now…

Chuckie: What would that be?

Angelica: Remembered if you asked whether we could be… well you know… My answer is now… yes…

Chuckie: Really?

Angelica: Though it seemed that when I was like that earlier you thought I was being rather emotionally unstable during to what you did earlier right?

Chuckie: Well I admit… yeah

Angelica: It’s okay I can understand that, and now that I’m a lot calmer I was able to think things through. So yeah I decided that I will be like that, your one of the most dependable men I’ve ever meet and after all I’ve done through the years you still stood up for me so bravely & brilliantly. I thank you so much for that…

Chuckie: Wow…

Angelica: And besides I remembered that lovely kiss we shared a little while back, and lets just say I’d like to “try that” myself…

Chuckie: Uhhhh… really?

Angelica: Oh yes, quite (Now she embraces him with her face in front of his) now… give momma some sugar…

(And well I’m sure you all know what happens next… Meanwhile a little later right outside the Kitchen.)

Susie: Hey Kimi, hows our new “couple” been going lately?

Tommy: Yeah I’m kinda interested myself…

(Angelica opens the door and heads out)

Angelica: See you later Chuckie… ;)

Kimi: I think that answers your question…

(Tommy & Susie peek inside seeing Chuckie unconscious but with quite the smile & red cheeks.)

Tommy: Something tells me things are going to be interesting for now…

Susie: Indeed Tommy, indeed…

Rugrats AGU: The Special Meeting

My first in a trilogy of fics regarding the rise of a certain female and the downfall of another. (Contains CA)

Pic by ChuckAngie
© 2005 - 2024 Pokejedservo
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lovinthemedia's avatar
AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! SO CUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!